Workshops & Speaking Engagements

I love attending events, especially doing workshops and speaking engagements. It’s always a joy to share information, participate in fun activities, and make connections with people.

Keynote Speeches

One of my strengths and passions is writing, and I am highly proficient at writing speeches. I am also capable of improvising and speaking from the heart, especially in front of a receptive audience.

Online Visual Presentations

I enjoy putting together visual presentations for online events, and I can spend weeks or months writing and arranging to ensure that my presentations are educational and visually appealing.

In-Person Events

Whenever possible, I love doing in-person events and the energy of being in a physical space. The intimacy of sharing space encourages more personal bonding, especially when it comes to erotic and somatic work.

Group Facilitation

In group settings, my role as facilitator is to be informative, engaging, and to keep a safe container. I always strive to approach things in a professional manner while retaining my personality and sense of humor.

Podcasts, Interviews & Other Media

I am always looking for opportunities to speak to people. It is a great honor and a pleasure to be invited to appear as a guest on podcasts and YouTube channels, as well as written interviews and guest blogs.

Events and topics may be of either an erotic or non-erotic nature!

Here are a few examples that might be suitable for my work and interests:

Sex positivity
Body positivity
Sexual anatomy and health
Kink and fetish
Sacred sexuality
Spiritual and esoteric practices
Witchcraft and Paganism
Gods and mythology
Men’s issues
Male bonding
Plant medicines
And more!

Are you interested in booking me for your next event, or having me as a guest on your podcast or other media?

Please send me a message! I would love to hear from you!

    (Your name and contact information are completely confidential and will never be published or shared.)

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